Yes, no matter what I or anyone else has to say about the film, in the end … it is all about YOU. There is no other way for it to be.  It’s not about me, or any of the others involved in making the film, or getting it out to you. We all got to be a part of its creation, and hopefully we all got something out of that process. We all learned from it (hopefully) and it may become a small part of us, but in that final part of its life, it is really all about you. You, who give it its final life, its place in the world, and maybe even get something out of it personally. That would not only be a treat for you, but for us as well. For creators should be here to service the people we create for, not just to indulge our personal whims or fantasies. There is so little time here, so why waste it with such trivials.

As for me, I have a very strong creative drive, which is something I have always had to contend with. Unfortunately, that has the potential to be destructive as well as creative. Outlets have not always been as readily available as I’d like. But my own personal management of that drive is my own responsibility, something they don’t teach you when you’re growing up. It is the double-edge sword of the artist, and I suspect the scientist, and everyone else who has to dig deep inside themselves, pull something out of their imagination and birth into this physical world. I also think it is a very beautiful thing, which can lift us higher and higher to the heavens, inspiring us to the highest heights within our own beings. The highest high and the lowest low, a vast world we must manage inside ourselves. A challenge, a gift and in the end, a legacy to fulfill. So I feel. In the end I feel humbled that I was able to be involved in making and getting this film out to you. But yet, it was meant to be, for I have been laying the groundwork for a good portion of my life. I did not always see that, but now looking back at the path I have walked, it seems so very clear. I thank the world there was a way for that path to be there.

But once again, enough of me. This is about you, right? So, what does that really mean though? I’ll start with a similarly-stated comment several people who previewed the film communicated to me – (I’m paraphrasing here): “You know, at first I wasn’t sure what to make of it (the film). I liked it, for the most part, but I didn’t really connect with it. So, I decided to watch it again. After the third or fourth viewing, I could feel it washing over me. Then came an ah ha moment, then another and others. So it took watching it several times for me to feel ‘I got it’.  I kind of liked that.” On one level that was a bit of a revelation for me, but on another it actually wasn’t.

On the surface, the film has a few typically traditional moments that you may have seen in other films and appear to be quite simple. Yet, if you really pay attention closer and dig deeper, you’ll see that some of these ‘simple’ moments only cover up or obscure other themes and messages going below the surface. Ideas we might deem spiritual, mystical or metaphysical, things not so obvious to the naked eye, but yet are presented in a visual medium like film. The script was written in various drafts to build the layers for this effect, but I wasn’t sure if we could capture it in production. Certainly not an easy challenge to undertake. And yes, a car chase, a building exploding, or a body being violently maimed may certainly have made any scene basically more understandable. But to what purpose? We do not have violence or sexuality in this film, even though we may hint at it. In fact, earlier drafts of the script did have some of that, which were later nixed because it essentially became unnecessary. Actually, I’ve become numbed by these overworked conventions in modern film and rejected them for this particular story.

For you. My hope is that you will get something out of this film. As entertainment, yes. As food for your mind, even more so. As nourishment for your spirit, excellent. Don’t worry, I am not a preacher, a proselytizer or a guru. Far from it. I like to create. I like to have fun. I like to live. I like to be me. I like to teach. I like to learn. I like to fly. I got to do all of these things in the creation of this film. I hope you get something out of it beyond just watching another film. If not, well…that’s completely up to you, as it always should be. After all, this will be your film now.