I wanted to pass along some items that I thought might be of interest to some of you out there.  Yes, as the title says, we are giving away some free items from the film.

First, because we’ve received so much praise about the soundtrack and requests to make it available, we figured it was about time to get it out to you.  At first we thought, how should we make this available, and for how much?  It didn’t take too long for us to decide we’d just make it available off our website as a download, and to let you have it for $0.  This economy has been rough on everyone, and we felt like just doing something for you.  Call it a pre-holiday present (wow, is it almost the end-of-the year holiday period already?!).

Anyway, so is here the soundtrack link on our website to get those musical pieces – https://dreamsawakemovie.com/DreamsAwakeSoundtrack.php.  Or a Facebook link if you prefer – https://www.facebook.com/DreamsAwakeMovie?sk=app_174927749225665.  There are 54 pieces here, so do enjoy!

Second, we still have our autographed posters available, which I mentioned in a previous post.  We will be giving away six of them, beginning next year at the 1st of each month, Jan-Jun.  So sign up and possibly win a poster signed by Erin Gray, Gary Graham and Tim O’Connor, who played the three main characters in “Dreams Awake.”  Here is that poster link on our website – https://dreamsawakemovie.com/free-poster-giveaway/.  Or a Facebook link if you prefer – https://www.facebook.com/DreamsAwakeMovie?sk=app_14167664298.

I’m sure we will come up with more giveaways in the future.  So stay tuned!