New Film Project

New Film Project

“Nearer than breath and blood, closer than hands and feet; what is the sound of one hand clapping?” Our company has some exciting news!  We recently put our next project into full development. “One Hand Clapping” is a project I have wanted to do for quite a while...
Portal Excerpts

Portal Excerpts

I thought I’d talk about the Dreams Awake Portal a bit today.  Actually, what I want to do is give you some excerpts from the 10 content websites that inhabit it.  And then maybe you can see that actually the film is just a conversation starter, and these websites go...
Various Tidbits

Various Tidbits

I have a number of things to pass along to you today: First, we’ve updated the look of our YouTube Channel and will be putting up lots more videos there in the future – Second, in case you didn’t catch my...
Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

I quickly wanted to pass along a couple events related to the film that will be happening real soon: Tomorrow, I will be interviewed live over the radio in Eugene, OR.  We will of course talk about the film, the making of it, the content, and anything else that comes...
Video Happenings

Video Happenings

There have been a number of requests for us to have more video that is related to the film in some way available for you.  So, that’s exactly what we’re going to do.  We will periodically be putting up several different types for you to check out: Behind-the-Scenes –...