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“The Dreams Awake movie is amazing and the greatest movie … Is wonderful teacher … My Gratitude & Blessing for all the actors.”
—Fatima Barros
“Fantastic Movie – just seen it at the Marbella Film Festival. I truly hope you get a further opportunity to show the film in a few days. People need to see it! Lovely to meet you.”
—Susan Hunter
“I have watched this movie several times and really took the time to embody the message. btw: my 7 year old granddaughter loves this movie; and in fact is the reason I watched it 7 times….so glad she’s in charge.”
—Nancy Marks
“I watched this movie… really connects you to the reality of the miracles that happen through faith….awakening can be fearful at first because you experience many real things that is hard to believe it is all really happening and trying to explain it to people can be frustrating…but it is beautiful..this is an awesome movie!!!”
– Katie Woods
“Absolutely wonderful film. I LOVED IT!”
– Amy Elizabeth Cooper
“I loved this film very much! Worth watching!”
– SuZen C. Veltman
“Want to know the truth — This movie is a must!!!! I just bought the DVD and will be having a movie night to share with all :):):)”
– Kathryn Lorenzini
“This is a beautiful movie … I am sure Dreams Awake will win top awards … It seems to me we are more than ready to ‘see’ what has been denied for far too long … good luck … you have already … with this top notch film!”
– Aileen Norton Swift
“I purchased this movie earlier this year and fell in love with it. I recommend this wonderful movie to all of my co-workers, Friends and clients every chance I get! Thank you so very much!!
– Melissa Luddeni
“Thank you for the lovely film … the story line and the acting was fantastic … the scenery at Mt. Shasta, beautiful.”
– Angela Rose Pate
“Wonderful, with so many life lessons … I liked the story line … very well put together … Bravo!
– Lynda Chedore
“Inspirational movie … I think that you will watch it more than once … nice message and story … a feel good movie … I am glad to have purchased it.”
– Stephen Vincelette
“This is an incredible movie … one of the best spiritual and personal growth films I have ever seen. Excellent acting and story line … If you find the time to view it, you will never be the same! … A teaching film!”
– Katie Long
“This DVD is almost difficult to describe … Monumental in its wholeness … Fantastic! Moving. I fell in love with this theme instantly. Often I felt myself a part of this unfolding … Adore the choice of characters! Superbly done!”
– Cathy Miller
“LOVED IT!! … Bravo in conveying the message … it was well received!!”
– Jeff Sinclair
“It’s a beautiful way to approach and explain so serious a theme as the afterlife … Erin, Gary, and Tim are naturals and beautiful.”
– Corine Julle
“Thank you for making a movie that is needed in the world right now!”
– Marina Stoilov
“Love this movie. I have watched it four times and each time I get something new out of it … Yes, I enjoy it for its little messages within the storyline, along with the actors presentations, too … So many of the little things touched me since I am very aware of the mystical magic and the various lights and energies, so of course this holds meaning to me.”
– Michelle RedSun EagleHawk
“With so much negative imagery and dark themes in movies today it is refreshing to see a spiritually uplifting film that has such a positive message, great cinematography and a beautiful score.”
– Celeste Anderson
Just wanted to say thank you to all for pointing this movie out. I watched it last night and to be honest I went into it with some cynicism. WOW … was I wrong. I don’t want to spoil it for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet but I can this: This movie gets it!!
– Joe Smith
“Refreshing to see a form of entertainment that enacts a story that resonates so closely to our vibrational level!”
– Larry White Buffalo
“Beautiful and consciousness raising.”
– Gloribell Mercado
“This film takes a shattered family and brings the pieces back together again through a metaphysical setting and experience that is an edge-of-the-seat game against time in a true test of love and trust … I recommend it highly for all seekers of light!”
– Victor Goss
“I lived in mount shasta for 11 years. It was a great movie that really captured the essence of the spirit there. Outstanding scenery too.”
– Mary Terpening Tuttle
“Great movie … beautiful scenery … awesome music … also, excellent cast … Thumbs UP!”
– Thomas H. Gilmore
“This is such a COOL idea for a movie. I’m excited to see it unfold!”
– Sally Shields
“A few months ago I asked you if the movie was going to come to Brazil. Yesterday my dear friend from Canada sent it to me as a gift, I am overjoyed! Great movie! Congrats! Blessings from the heart!”
– Joyce Almeida
“Just watched the movie. YES, it was certainly worth the purchase!!!”
– Inga Alexejew Tomasino
“I too have watched it many times, and get subtle new messages each time. There seems to be magic at work here. Maybe the movie, maybe the people in it, maybe the setting. Maybe all!
– Desiree Sanger
“Superb movie, which I whole-heartedly recommend. I thought Erin Gray’s performance in particular to be particularly moving.”
– David Bradley
“The movie sums up the reason my husband and I honeymooned there for 2 weeks in ’02. Mystical Mt Shasta describes it well! … If you are close enough to experience Mt. Shasta, I would highly recommend it. Then you will be inspired to see the movie. OR, watch the movie and you will be inspired to visit Mt. Shasta. A win/win situation ;)”
– Barbara Johansson
“How wonderful to see Tim, Erin, and Gary again. Thanks to all who took part in making this movie.”
– Robert Peate
“Just watched the movie, was excited when it came in the mail today. It was wonderful! Check it out if you haven’t!”
– David P. Smith
“I was very blessed that this movie was suggested to me … I personally connected with it on an emotional, spiritual & psychological level. I have watched it several times and connect with something new in it each time. I have discovered many synchronicities between my life & the movie since I have been watching it. My dreams are becoming more alive, or my awareness of them & the messages being sent. Thank you, the actors, and all involved in making this beautiful movie! My love & light to you!”
– Heidi K Balazs
“Just saw the movie … awesome … very enlightening … What an amazing and spiritual movie combined with suspense. Erin and the whole cast were awesome, even let go of a tear or two. What a wonderful Movie!”
– Glen A Obrien
“The best film I have watched in ages, it so had me gripped from the start, and I really and truly enjoyed every minuite of it. Well done to all and may you all be truly blessed, angel blessings. An amazing spiritual film, even if you aren’t spiritual. What knowledge you will receive will be yours for the taken. Thank you to all.”
– Maura Moore
“We love ‘Dreams Awake’ big time. Can’t wait to see what unleashes from here!”
– The Passions & Possibilities Project
“I just finished watching the movie … ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT … Resonates so much with my journey right now!”
– Theresa Savina
“It was a great movie. The message of the movie was amazing, it is hearty and spiritual. And life goes on, and there is no death. Life goes on in a new form (Einstein or Pax-Tech) or in a new dimension. Two thumbs up.”
– Ben Smith
“I thoroughly enjoyed the movie that you created…certainly stimulates the mind!! ‘Imagination is the gateway to reality’, pretty cool quote for sure. I certainly must admit that the 3 minute blast of organized religion was handled well, as I agree with its inherit problems.”
– Greg K.
“As a musician and singer/songwriter at a crossroads in my life I have been looking for inspiration and direction…thank you to the creators of DREAMS AWAKE for opening a portal to my heart with your movie!!!”
– Steph Jones
“Nice to hear we can see movies that feed our souls!”
– Juan Pacas
“I loved this movie…wish there were more like it.”
– Rose Egan
“Got this movie and watched it today with my daughter…I’ve held the key for a while….guess I just needed a Boost. The energy from this movie was incredible. We went from crying to laughter while feeling the Love connection to all things. Bless you.”
– Barry Barber
“”I watched it again the other day…this film is amazing!”
– Sybell Adora
“My son and husband watched it with me, they are receiving loud and clear now! Finally awake means awake ♥”
– Delia Brigstocke-Morris
” ‘Dreams Awake’ is a powerful film.”
– Anne Terri
“This is the most accurate movie I have ever seen. Whoever wrote the script for this movie has real knowledge of the hidden world.”
– Anthony Jacob Ayires
“I really loved the video. It spoke to me in many ways. It was sure entertaining and kind of funny:) – I get that ringing in my ears at night sometimes and my body goes so cold. It is a very scary sound actually but now that I am older and my brother told me he experiences the same thing but embraces it…I am trying to as well. I stopped hearing it for years becasue I was so scared of it but I am allowing it to come back now. ”
– Jesika Tesar-Valois
“I have been touching upon the spiritual part of life over the last 2 years but had stopped doing my personal journey after a health scare. Recently things are seeming to start up again and I feel that this movie was meant for me to watch it. Very moving and has an overwhelming ring of truth to it. A must watch to any spiritual-minded person. Would recommend! Big thumbs up.”
– Nathan Hughes
“We need more movies like this. You’re fantastic!”
– Amy Keast
Whoa!! We watched it over the weekend and totally incredible. The story, the views, and unbelievable professionalism.”
– Joe C.
“I’ve seen this wonderful movie and I can only recommend to go & enjoy it with your friends, your family and… with the entire world!”
– Sara Matthey
“Just watched the movie, excellent. I very much enjoyed the scenery as well as the storyline. Job well done and thank you for your lightwork.”
– Robin Johnson
“In harmony with my spirit and my thoughts, this movie is a great opportunity to understand the ‘Art of Awakening.’ ”
– John G. Moreno
“WOW, what a movie. It explains so much in an easy to understand way. I now know what to do. Thank you.”
– Lisa Kent
“Congratulations for the awards ‘Dreams Awake’ has earned. How gratifying that must be! I bought the DVD of your movie and showed it at a meditation retreat this past weekend. The group, consisting of some very spiritually and energy attuned women, all enjoyed it very much. It was the perfect thing to do after an intense weekend of energy shifting work. What I personally resonated with in the movie was the portrayal of shifting between dimensions. Very cool! Again congratulations! Blessings to you!”
– Paula Bates