Future Happenings

Future Happenings

I haven’t posted much lately, as we’ve been pretty busy around here.  We have a number of happenings on the horizon so I thought I’d fill everyone in on that. First, yes we still do have that much promised trailer about ready.  When we were in Austin last month to...
Various Tidbits

Various Tidbits

I have a number of things to pass along to you today: First, we’ve updated the look of our YouTube Channel and will be putting up lots more videos there in the future – http://www.youtube.com/dreamsawakemovie. Second, in case you didn’t catch my...
Upcoming Events

Upcoming Events

I quickly wanted to pass along a couple events related to the film that will be happening real soon: Tomorrow, I will be interviewed live over the radio in Eugene, OR.  We will of course talk about the film, the making of it, the content, and anything else that comes...
New Websites

New Websites

Okay, so I guess this entry is going to be a ‘pitch’ blog entry.  I try to resist playing the marketer as much as I can, but sometimes mixing commerce with art in the filmmaking world is necessary.  Especially if you are an indie filmmaker.  Even though at some level...
Our ‘Host A Screening’ Program

Our ‘Host A Screening’ Program

As you already know, that is if you’ve been following this blog (see this entry for more info – https://dreamsawakemovie.com/2011/02/screenings-preliminary-info/), we fell behind in getting our ‘Host a Screening’ Program off the ground.  Well I’m here to tell you...