From Beginning to Beginning

From Beginning to Beginning

More than six years ago when I came up with the germ of an idea for “Dreams Awake” I never would have believed the amount of work it took to get here.  In fact, I’ve been wondering that if I knew then what I know today, would I have even taken this path?  But that...

Release Announcement – A Special Gift

Well finally, we have some news about when ‘Dreams Awake’ will officially be released.  As previously mentioned we will initially be releasing on DVD and then doing a screening tour next year. January 11, 2011 is the official DVD release date.  I know...

What is Spiritual?

Have you ever noticed that people many times define something by what it is not before they say what it is?  I’ll try not to do that here, even if what I’m attempting may not even have a real, objective answer for everyone who reads this.  Especially since this is...

All About You

Yes, no matter what I or anyone else has to say about the film, in the end … it is all about YOU. There is no other way for it to be.  It’s not about me, or any of the others involved in making the film, or getting it out to you. We all got to be a part of...